5 Partner Workout Moves That Put The Fun In Fitness – KAIUTI 

When it comes to equipment-free workouts, the convenience of bodyweight moves can’t be beaten. Using just your body—and prioritizing proper form—can mean a successful training session. So, what’s better than an easy-to-implement workout? How about one that’s done with a roommate or spouse! Not only will you have more fun, but you’re more likely to stay on track—research from the University of Aberdeen found an exercise buddy increases the amount of exercise people will motivate themselves to do, especially when there’s a layer of emotional support. 

Get ready to exercise with your partner. Fill up your water bottle and grab a friend to get ready. Encourage each other, and strengthen your friendship through fitness.  

1. Partner Sit up With Clap

This version is a great way for you to tone your stomach while giving your partner a high five.


  1. Lay down on the ground, with your feet pressed into the earth and your knees bowed.
  2. Your partner should face you. Your partner should lie down facing you.
  3. As you approach your partner, clap and squeeze your abs. When contracting, squeeze your feet alongside your partner’s to prevent them from lifting as you sit up.
  4. Slowly and carefully lower down. Aim to do 10 reps.

2. Partner Plank with Clasp

Improve your core, glutes, and Hamstrings whilst improving your balance. Perfect the plank—and add in a little partner love—with this take on a total-body classic.


  1. Get on the ground in a push-up position, making sure your shoulders track over your wrists, your hips don’t slump (or overextend), and your core stays tight. Keep your neck and back in a neutral posture.
  2. Once you have a solid plank—a strong line from your head to your toes—stabilize yourself as needed. If this means widening your foot stance to establish a more-solid base, that’s OK.
  3. Clap to the side while reaching the same arm out as your partner.
  4. Repeat the opposite side. Do 5 claps on each side or 10 total.

3. Partner-Assisted Pistol Squat

With the help of a friend, pistol squats can be more manageable.


  1. Stand facing your partner, with about a foot or so between you.
  2. Cross your arms to support eachother and hold hands.
  3. While your partner hunkers down toward the ground and assumes a slight squat to secure their stance, lower down into a pistol squat—squatting while placing your weight in one leg and slowly extending the other in front of you.
  4. Your partner must also slowly and controllably stand up. Try to complete five reps before changing.

4. Partner Static Dips, Holds and Dips

This workout targets both your upper body and lower body.


  1. Your partner should be standing a few feet behind you.
  2. Allow your partner to sink down into a bodyweight squat—keeping the weight in their heels and maintaining an upright torso.
  3. Once they’ve assumed a stable squat, place your hands on their knees. Your fingers should face forward and your elbows at your sides.
  4. While your partner is holding a squat position, lower yourself slowly by bending your elbows until you are parallel with the floor. Repeat 10 times then switch positions.

5. Partner Squats Push-Up

  1. Assume a plank position and ask your partner for assistance.
  2. Do a push-up—keeping elbows tucked and lowering slowly—while your partner squats down.
  3. As you return to your plank, slowly help your partner to stand up. Repeat this 10 times and then switch sides.

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