Foods That Are Bad For Immunity According To Ayurveda – KAIUTI 

Ayurvedic wisdom can be used to boost the immune system. Ayurveda is a holistic health care system that has always considered prevention of disease to be the key for maintaining good health. Ayurvedic texts are devoted to boosting the immune system through diet, lifestyle or home remedies. Since there’s already plenty of information on immunity boosting foods and remedies, we are going to put the spotlight on foods that are bad for immunity. 

8 Foods that are bad to Immunity 

  1. Fried Foods: We love our fried foods, from samosas to bhajias, but it’s time to make some sacrifices. Whether it’s farsan or burgers, all fried foods are loaded with fats, including trans fats. This can cause inflammation and weakening of the immune system. Even if you eat home-cooked food, avoid deep-fried or fried foods. This will help to keep your immunity strong.
  2. Sodas and ColasEven if we aren’t addicted to sodas yet, now would be a great opportunity to kick the habit. It really doesn’t matter if you only drink diet soda or carbonated drinks with ‘no added sugar’. All of these drinks are artificially sweetened. They have no nutritional benefit. The phosphoric acids in most sodas reduce magnesium and calcium, both of which are essential for immune function.
  3. Canned SoupsIn the current state, canned foods like soups in a can may seem the healthiest alternative. Convenience comes at a price. Most instant soups have high levels of sodium, maltodextrin and cornflour as well other artificial preservatives. These ingredients are known to increase the risk of lifestyle diseases and infections due to their impaired immunity.
  4. Sugary SnacksAyurveda is an ancient science that has always known that artificially sweetened food poses a risk. This ancient wisdom is now accepted as a scientific fact, as we know that high sugar intake triggers chronic inflammation and suppresses the immune function, making you more vulnerable to all types of infections – viral, bacterial and fungal. Even though ice-cream, pastries, and chocolates are comfort food, they are not the best way for you to overcome social loneliness.
  5. Red MeatsAyurveda warns against eating these foods to avoid infection. In red meats you can find a sugar called Neu5Gc. This sugar is not digested like fruit sugars. It is absorbed into the tissue which causes inflammation and suppresses immunity. Red meats contain a high amount of fats that are known to reduce immunity.
  6. Foods that contain MSGMSG became popular a few decades back when instant noodles were temporarily removed from the shelves. Sadly, the ingredient hasn’t disappeared altogether and you’ll find it in a whole lot of processed and instant foods. Check the labels. MSG can cause oxidative stress to the thymus and other vital organs.
  7. Alcoholic BeveragesAlcoholic drinks are toxic to the body even though Ayurveda recognizes their medicinal value. Alcoholic drinks contain a lot of sugar which can affect sleep and cause inflammation. They can also damage the gastrointestinal wall. This lowers your immunity and makes you more vulnerable to infections.
  8. Caffeinated DrinksAyurveda stresses the importance of living in harmony with nature’s rhythms. Stimulants such as caffeine can disrupt the natural cycle. This is particularly true if the stimulants are consumed late in a day. This can interfere with sleep, which is vital for a healthy immune system. Caffeinated beverages can also increase acidic levels in the body, which can increase swelling and suppress immune system.

Ayurveda, a rich tradition, can help us navigate these difficult times. Ayurveda promotes balance and harmony, not restriction. To boost immunity and prevent infections, use immune-modulating plants such as tulsi, amla and neem. 

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